Deploy MovieDB Application

K Ramkumar
4 min readJul 5, 2021

Download these tools and install it on your computer(Prerequisites)

🚀The Heroku CLI | Heroku Dev Center
🚀Git — Downloads (

Create Account on Heroku

Back To Pycharm(Execute the below codes on pycharm)

pip freeze > requirements.txt

At the end of ‘vidly/’ add the following statement.

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ‘static’)

Create a New File in Root

Name it Excatly as this -> “Procfile” , because heroku looks for it when deploying;
And make sure you give the project name before “”.wsgi;
#If you followed the tutorial code then copy and paste this

web: gunicorn vidly.wsgi 

Now, you are required to install Gunicorn and Django Heroku.

pip install gunicorn
pip install django-heroku

freeze again :
pip freeze > requirements.txt

Now, you need to import ‘django-heroku’ right after import os in vidly/

import django_heroku

Now, to activate ‘django_heroku’ you are required to go to the end of ‘’ and add in the following lines of code.

# Activate Django-Heroku.

Now Move your application folder into fresh folder just copy and paste from pycharm projects ;

Since, you are now moving onto the production site, the ‘DEBUG’ in ‘’ should be set as ‘FALSE’

DEBUG = False

Now Open Gitbash From the newfresh folder that you have copied from Pycharm Projects

Provide command as ‘git init’ in order to initialize a new or empty repository as shown below. Note: Execute all this git commands in Gitbash not pycharm;

git init

Give command ‘git add .’ as shown below in order to add or take all files from your directory.

git add .

Execute command as provided below (git commit -m “deploy”) for creating a snapshot of currently staged changes of the project.

git commit -m “deploy”

So, to login to Heroku, you are required to provide the following command. Also Execute this in Gitbash;

heroku login

after this command press any button to login, and it’ll take you to browser;

After you have executed the command ‘heroku login’, in the web browser, you are now redirected to the page as shown in the image below. Here, you are required to click on the ‘Log In’ button.

After the successfully log in, you are now redirected to the page as shown in the image below.

Now exit that page and com back to gitbash you’ll be logged in sucessfully;
And in Gitbash just press control+C to terminate and go to another command execution;

Now, you are required to create an app in Heroku. Hence, for the stated purpose you are required to execute the following command.

heroku create app_name 

There would be chance that your app name would be taken by others, so if taken then try to use different unique names;

Now, for deploying your application you are required to execute the following command.

git push heroku master

So, to commit initial migration on the Heroku application you are required to execute the following query.

heroku run python migrate

Finally, you can execute the following command to view your Django application.

heroku open

You are required to allocate the allowed hosts or domain which your Django application serves. You also take the following code as the reference to update your ‘ALLOWED_HOSTS’ in ‘’ file.

Here in allowed_hosts list area you should pass the url which heroku gave, just copy that link from browser which opened after executing “heroku open”

ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] #just pass that link inside of this strings

Also, you can obtain the URL of your application while creating the application;

Now, you are required to execute the following commands.

git add .
git commit -m “edit”
git push heroku master

After making the required configurations regarding ALLOWED_HOSTS, you can now view your application after executing the following command.

heroku open




K Ramkumar

Would love to write about programming